Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions about London Business Networking…

How can I check out this network, to see if it is right for me?

Potential members can attend up to two meetings to check out our group and see if it is a fit. First meeting is FREE (including lunch), you just have to pre-register so we will know you are coming. To register as a visitor, complete the online “Visitors Form” with your name, company name, email, phone number, and tell us what you do in 10 words or less (ie. provide residential and commercial painting in London). Your message will be delivered to our visitor hosts, who will get back to you with an invitation and details to join us for a lunch meeting. LBN meetings are each Wednesday at The London Hunt and Country Club from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We thank everyone for their interest but we may have to send back a regrets message if we already have a network member in the exact profession you are in.

Do I have to attend the networking meeting every week?

We expect all members in good standing to attend every week, or you may send a designate from your business in your place. You will have a chance to speak at every meeting about what is new with your client base or in your industry, about new products and services coming up, and you don’t want to miss that chance. When all members make the network meetings a priority, everyone wins. You will get to really know your fellow members and understand their unique business propositions. Likewise, they will get know who you are and how to refer people to you! More than 35 qualified leads happen at just about every meeting – you’ll want to be there!

How much does it cost to be a member?

When you take an active interest in LBN, you will soon find that your investment comes back to you in new business, and of course the cost to belong can be written off as a business expense. The fee is broken down into four quarterly cheques, usually between $275 and $300 per quarter (depending on the number of Wednesday meetings falling in that quarter), and a once a year membership fee of $375 for your first year upon joining and $275 due again each year after on your renewal date. This averages out to just about $25 per week, and you get to enjoy lunch, do some real networking and build your business among friends.

How does the referral system work – don’t you run out of referrals?

If you know a good dentist, a great vet, or you just got an awesome pedicure, you would tell your friends and family about it, right? If a friend needs someone to help clean their house, cater or provide flowers for a party, you would mention to them your favourite house cleaner, chef or florist, right? The LBN helps you pass along those kinds of names. As you get to know and trust the other LBN members, you will soon know a qualified person in 25 different professions. Anytime you are chatting or socializing and someone expresses a need for a realtor, marketing expert or their computer just crashed, you can pass along a business card and help them out. That’s how referrals come about – we help each other connect with people who need our services.